BGIA, Black Girls Ignite Africa Inc. is a non-profit organization which aims to build the self-esteem and self-worth of women in Africa by changing their outlook on life, and broadening their horizons. BGIAis composed of many exceptional women, businesses, and organizations who all believe and work towards the goal of BGIA. FTK~Konnect Event Planning Services is one of the businesses which supports BGIA and serves as the ONLY and OFFICIAL Event Planner for all of BGIA Events.
TeamFTK has been working vigorously to put together the most exceptional event we have ever coordinated thus far. The day begins with giving back to the community, and will wrap up with a fun filled evening packed with much excitement and entertainment. There will be performances, speakers, networking, and much MORE.
Do not miss out on this event on Saturday December 8th, 2012 at the Double Tree Hotel in Columbia, Maryland. “Be the Change You Desire Event.” Michael Jackson said it best, ” If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make that change,” So join the cause and buy your tickets today!!! TICKETS ONLINE
FTK~Konnect…Connecting the Dots of your Events!
For more info about BGIA – check out BlackGirlsIgniteAfrica
Thanks guys – Andrea!